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LGP - UMR8591

Quentin Wackenheim
(ancien membre)

Anthropisation, gestion des milieux et dynamiques paysagères, Réponses des environnements aux dynamiques climatiques quaternaires et impacts sur les peuplements

quentin.wackenheim@-Code to remove to avoid
01 49 78 11 22

Thèmes de recherche

  • Reconstitution des environnements holocènes méditerranéens (Maroc, Espagne, Provence) à partir des assemblages de mollusques continentaux
  • Géochimie (isotopes stables sur coquille)
  • Biodiversité malacologique en ville
  • Mollusques continentaux du Plio-Quaternaire du fossé bressan

Thèse en cours

Relations paléoenvironnements, climats et sociétés au cours des derniers 10 000 ans sur la façade Méditerranéenne Occidentale : l’approche malacologique.

Mots clés  :
Malacofaunes, tuf, géochimie, paléoenvironnements, paléoclimats, Holocène, Maroc, Espagne, Provence

Encadrement :
• Directrice : Nicole Limondin-Lozouet
• Co-Directeur : François Giligny
• Tutrice : Julie Dabkowski

Financement : LabEx DynamiTe  :
« Dynamiques Territoriales et spatiales »

Animation scientifique

  • Membre du comité de lecture de la revue Folia Conchyliologica
  • Membre de l’Association Française pour l’Etude du Quaternaire (AFEQ-CNF INQUA) depuis 2016

Participation à des programmes de recherche

Depuis 2016 : PALEOMEX – Relations Climat-Homme-Environnement au cours de l’Holocène – Transect Maghreb INEE dirigé par Jean-François Berger


Article dans une revue


J.-M. Bichain, Q. Wackenheim, T. Durr, V. Schoenfelder, and J. Ryelandt, "Distribution of the freshwater snail Gyraulus rossmaessleri (Auerswald, 1852) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Planorbidae) at the present and past western limit of its range (north-eastern France)," Folia Malacologica, 2024. <10.12657/folmal.032.015>. <hal-04669290>. PDF
J. Ryelandt, Q. Wackenheim, and J.-M. Bichain, "A relict or new immigrant? The first record of the planorbid Gyraulus riparius (Westerlund, 1865) in France," Journal of Conchology, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 186-194, 2024. <10.61733/jconch/4517>. <hal-04661943>. PDF


Q. Wackenheim, C. Richter, N. Limondin-Lozouet, D. Wolf, F. J. García-Tortosa, E. Marzin, L. Hofmann, J. Dabkowski, and D. Faust, "Holocene molluscan successions from southeastern Spain (Galera, Andalusia): a palaeoenvironmental framework and a palaeobiogeographic resource of the Granada UNESCO Geopark," Journal of Molluscan Studies, vol. 89, no. 1, Mar. 2023. <10.1093/mollus/eyac033>. <hal-03940286>. PDF


B. Depreux, J.-F. Berger, D. Lefèvre, Q. Wackenheim, V. Andrieu-Ponel, S. Vinai, J. Degeai, A. El Harradji, L. Boudad, S. Sanz Laliberté, K. Michel, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "First fluvial archive of the 8.2 and 7.6--7.3 ka events in North Africa (Charef River, High Plateaus, NE Morocco)," Scientific Reports, vol. 12, pp. 7710, May. 2022. <10.1038/s41598-022-11353-y>. <hal-03670310>. PDF


A. Jochum, E. Bochud, A. Favre, M. Ferrand, and Q. Wackenheim, "A new species of Laoennea microsnail (Stylommatophora, Diapheridae) from a cave in Laos," Subterranean Biology, vol. 36, pp. 1 - 9, Nov. 2020. <10.3897/subtbiol.36.58977>. <hal-03005786>. PDF
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, L. Boudad, and J.-F. Berger, "Reconstructing mid-Holocene palaeoenvironmental dynamic in the Middle Atlas (Morocco) inferred from non-marine molluscs succession of the Aït said ou Idder tufa sequence," Quaternaire, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 145-164, 2020. <10.4000/quaternaire.13783>. <hal-02909257>. PDF
Q. Wackenheim, V. Fichet, O. Hesnard, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and M. Horsák, "New paleoenvironmental study of the Quintefeuille Forests based on the Holocene malacological communities: from the past to the present (Graye-sur-mer, Calvados, Normandy)," Naturae, vol. 7, pp. 113-129, Sep. 2020. <10.5852/naturae2020a7>. <hal-02946435>. PDF


Q. Wackenheim, "Ecological analysis of the malacofauna of an anthropogenically modified environment: the ''parc des Beaumonts'' in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis, France)," MalaCo : Le journal de malacologie continentale, vol. 13, pp. 11 - 17, 2017. <hal-02529954>. PDF

Communication dans un congrès


N. Limondin-Lozouet, Q. Wackenheim, and P. Lozouet, "Plio-Pleistocene continental molluscs from the Bresse (Eastern France): early steps in the reappraisal of J.J. Puisségur’s collection," in 10th European Congress of Malacological Societies, Heraklion, Greece, Sep. 2024. <hal-04717961>.
Q. Wackenheim, and M. Ferrand, "Ecology and distribution of the terrestrial molluscs living in the 'Catacombs of Paris' (France)," in 10th European Congress of Malacological Societies, Herakleion, France, Sep. 2024. <hal-04717954>.
Q. Wackenheim, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "The contribution of palaeodata to conservation: insights from Spanish and Moroccan Holocene land snails," in 10th European Congress of Malacological Societies, Heracklion, Greece, Sep. 2024. <hal-04717971>. PDF


Q. Wackenheim, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "Contributions of the study of continental Mediterranean Holocene fossil mollusc assemblages to the conservation of an endangered group," in XXI INQUA Congress, Rome, Italy, Jul. 2023. <hal-04385365>.
V. Fichet, Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, S. Granai, and O. Moine, "La malacologie du Quaternaire au Laboratoire de Géographie Physique (LGP)," in 3ème Colloque national de Malacologie continentale, Besançon, France, Oct. 2023. <hal-04286592>. PDF


Q. Wackenheim, M. Ferrand, and Y. Bussière, "Can an artificial cave be a hotspot for mollusc diversity? Overview of land snail biodiversity underneath Paris and surrounding area," in 18th International Congress of Speleology, Bourget-le-Lac, France, Jul. 2022. <hal-03887631>.
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and R. C. Preece, "From Morocco to Spain : How Mid-Holocene land snails shed a new light on extant malacofauna and its response to environmental changes," in World Congress of Malacology, Munich, Germany, Aug. 2022. <hal-03701940>.
Q. Wackenheim, J. Dabkowski, N. Limondin-Lozouet, D. Wolf, D. Faust, and B. R. Schöne, "In shell we trust? Investigating early evidence of Mid-Holocene aridification in SE Spain using malacological assemblages and shell stable isotopes," in Colloque International AFEQ-CNF-INQUA Q13, Strasbourg, France, Mar. 2022. <hal-03701933>.


Q. Wackenheim, C. Richter, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, D. Wolf, and D. Faust, "Quaternary continental malacology in Spain: new investigations from a Holocene succession at Rio Galera (Andalusia) reveal the biogeographical history of humid demanding species," in European Malacological Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 2021. <hal-03701918>.
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, D. Wolf, and D. Faust, "Analyse paléoenvironnementale d’un épisode de travertinisation s.l. durant l’Holocène moyen du SE de l’Espagne (Galera, Andalousie, Espagne) : apport des mollusques continentaux à la compréhension de la formation des tufs.," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Brest, France, Jun. 2021. <hal-03701910>.
Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and J. Dabkowski, "Du tuf et des coquilles : reconstitution croisée des paléoclimats et des paléoenvironnements holocènes," in Rencontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de Nice Côte d’Azur, Nice, France, Oct. 2021. <hal-03887650>.


Q. Wackenheim, J. Dabkowski, N. Limondin-Lozouet, L. Boudad, J.-F. Berger, B. Depreux, and D. Lefèvre, "Premiers Éléments de Construction d'un Cadre Paléoenvironnemental Régional à Partir Des Malacocénoses Holocènes Du Nord-Est Marocain : Les Séquences de Blirh et d'Aït Said Ou Idder," in Quaternaire 12, Paris, France, Feb. 2020. <hal-02526714>.


Q. Wackenheim, N. Limondin-Lozouet, J. Dabkowski, L. Boudad, and J.-F. Berger, "A new palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from a Mid-Holocene molluscan succession in the Middle Atlas (Aït-Said-ou-Idder, Morocco)," in Molluscan Forum, Londres, United Kingdom, Nov. 2019. <hal-02529983>.
J. Dabkowski, Q. Wackenheim, L. Boudad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and J.-F. Berger, "A ‘real’ tufa sequence in Morocco: perspectives for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions during the Middle Holocene at Aït Said ou Idder (Middle Atlas)," in INQUA Congress, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 2019. <hal-03887647>.


Q. Wackenheim, V. Fichet, N. Limondin-Lozouet, and M. Horsak, "La forêt engloutie sous la mer : Nouvelles données paléoenvironnementales sur la 'Forêt de Quintefeuille' d'après les cortèges malacologiques holocènes (Graye-sur-mer, Normandie)," in Colloque national de Malacologie continentale, Nantes, France, Dec. 2018. <hal-02530087>. PDF
J. Dabkowski, Q. Wackenheim, L. Boudad, N. Limondin-Lozouet, D. Fiorillo, and J.-F. Berger, "Middle Holocene palaeoenvironments and paleoclimates in the Middle Atlas: the multidisciplinary study of a ‘real’ tufa in Morocco," in Central European Conference on Geomorphology and Quaternary Sciences, Giessen, Germany, Dec. 2018. <hal-03887644>.
Q. Wackenheim, J. Dabkowski, L. Boudad, J.-F. Berger, and N. Limondin-Lozouet, "Etude paléoenvironnementale d’un tuf calcaire holocène du Moyen Atlas marocain (Aït Said ou Idder) : observations de terrain et données préliminaires," in Colloque AFEQ-CNF-INQUA Q12, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <hal-03887643>.