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LGP - UMR8591

Article dans une revue


S. Chapkanski, M. Le Doaré, G. Brocard, A. Steuer, B. Siemon, F. Lavigne, N. Ismail, E. Meilianda, C. Virmoux, D. Darusman, and J.-P. Goiran, "Distribution of landforms and buried sedimentary deposits during the growth of the Aceh River delta (Sumatra, Indonesia)," Journal of Maps, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 2139203, Jan. 2023. <10.1080/17445647.2022.2139203>. <hal-03889242>.
C. Laag, F. Lagroix, S. Kreutzer, S. Chapkanski, C. Zeeden, and Y. Guyodo, "Measuring and evaluating colorimetric properties of samples from loess-paleosol sequences," MethodsX, pp. 102159, Mar. 2023. <10.1016/j.mex.2023.102159>. <hal-04076280>. PDF


M. Abdulkarim, S. Chapkanski, D. Ertlen, H. Mahmood, E. Obioha, F. Preusser, C. Rambeau, F. Salomon, M. Schiemann, and L. Schmitt, "Morpho-sedimentary characteristics of Holocene paleochannels in the Upper Rhine alluvial plain, France," E&G Quaternary Science Journal, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 191-212, 2022. <10.5194/egqsj-71-191-2022>. <hal-03779738>. PDF
S. Chapkanski, G. Brocard, F. Lavigne, C. Tricot, E. Meilianda, N. Ismail, J. Majewski, J.-P. Goiran, D. Alfian, P. Daly, B. Horton, A. Switzer, V. Degroot, A. Steuer, B. Siemon, J. Cavero, C. Virmoux, and D. Darusman, "Fluvial and coastal landform changes in the Aceh River delta (Northern Sumatra) during the century leading to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami," Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1127-1146, Apr. 2022. <10.1002/esp.5292>. <hal-03472132>.
S. Chapkanski, G. Brocard, F. Lavigne, E. Meilianda, N. Ismail, D. Darusman, and J.-P. Goiran, "Fingerprinting sources of beach sands by grain-size, using mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) and portable XRF. Implications for coastal recovery along a tsunami-struck delta coastline," CATENA, vol. 219, pp. 106639, Dec. 2022. <10.1016/j.catena.2022.106639>. <hal-03783838>.
S. Chapkanski, K. Jacq, G. Brocard, C. Vittori, M. Debret, A. U. De Giorgi, D. D'ottavio, E. M. Giuffré, and J.-P. Goiran, "Calibration of short-wave infraRed (SWIR) hyperspectral imaging using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) to obtain continuous logging of mineral abundances along sediment cores," Sedimentary Geology, vol. 428, pp. 106062, Feb. 2022. <10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.106062>. <hal-03505951>. PDF
E. Régagnon, B. Besnard, A.-C. Allard, and S. Chapkanski, "Antenne CNRS d’Archéorient à Jalès, activités en 2021," Ardèche archéologie, 2022. <hal-03584680>.


S. Chapkanski, J.-P. Goiran, C. Rosa, S. Kay, A. De Graauw, X. Gallet, D. D'ottavio, and S. Keay, "Infrared spectroscopic investigations of the Northern Mole of Portus, the Ancient harbour of Rome. Insights for stratigraphy and provenance of raw materials for construction," Mediterranean archaeology and archaeometry journal, Aug. 2021. <10.5281/zenodo.5057562>. <hal-03337663>. PDF
J.-P. Goiran, G. Brocard, A. De Graauw, H. Kahwagi-Janho, and S. Chapkanski, "Evolution of Sea Level at Tyre During Antiquity," BAAL - Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises, vol. 21, pp. 305-317, 2021. <hal-04242036>. PDF


S. Chapkanski, D. Ertlen, C. Rambeau, and L. Schmitt, "Provenance discrimination of fine sediments by mid-infrared spectroscopy: Calibration and application to fluvial palaeo-environmental reconstruction," Sedimentology, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1114-1134, Feb. 2020. <10.1111/sed.12678>. <halshs-02401306>.
S. Chapkanski, C. Vittori, O. Barge, E. Régagnon, and J.-P. Goiran, "Activités en 2018-2019 de l'antenne CNRS d'Archéorient à Jalès. Aperçu de la plate-forme sédimentologique, un outil pour la reconstitution des paysages anciens," Ardèche archéologie, no. 37, Jul. 2020. <halshs-02538147>.
H. Hébert, G. Occhipinti, F. Schindelé, A. Gailler, B. Pinel-Puysségur, H. Gupta, L. Rolland, P. Lognonné, F. Lavigne, E. Meilianda, S. Chapkanski, F. Crespon, A. Paris, P. Heinrich, A. Monnier, A. Jamelot, and D. Reymond, "Contributions of Space Missions to Better Tsunami Science: Observations, Models and Warnings," Surveys in Geophysics, vol. 41, no. 6, pp. 1535-1581, Nov. 2020. <10.1007/s10712-020-09616-2>. <halshs-03189851>.
F. Salomon, D. Bernal-Casasola, J. Díaz, M. Lara, S. Domínguez-Bella, D. Ertlen, P. Wassmer, P. Adam, P. Schaeffer, L. Hardion, C. Vittori, S. Chapkanski, H. Delile, L. Schmitt, F. Preusser, M. Trautmann, A. Masi, C. Vignola, L. Sadori, J. Morales, P. Vidal Matutano, V. Robin, B. Keller, &. Sanchez Bellón, J. Martínez López, and G. Rixhon, "High-resolution late Holocene sedimentary cores record the long history of the city of Cádiz (south-western Spain)," Scientific Drilling, vol. 27, pp. 35-47, May. 2020. <10.5194/sd-27-35-2020>. <hal-02733462>. PDF


J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, E. Régagnon, K. Pavlopoulos, and E. Fouache, "Preliminary results of rock-cut fish tanks evidence along the Tyre coast of Lebanon. Implication for ancient sea-level reconstruction," BAAL - Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises, vol. 19, Nov. 2019. <halshs-02538104>.
C. Vittori, V. Chardon, S. Chapkanski, P. Carbonel, J.-P. Goiran, L. Pfister, and L. Schmitt, "Automatic detection of the Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1856) sieve pores from backscattered Electron Scanning Electron Microscopy images and development of morphometric tools for their shape identification," Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 153, pp. 101782, Dec. 2019. <10.1016/j.marmicro.2019.101782>. <hal-02324923>.

Autre publication


S. Chapkanski, M. Le Doaré, O. Barge, and E. Régagnon, "La Spectroscopie Infrarouge révèle l’origine des sédiments de la plaine de Jalès (Berrias, Ardèche)," unpublished, Apr. 2021. <10.58079/bd0o>. <halshs-03189855>.

Communication dans un congrès


L. Mairaville, S. Chapkanski, D. Todisco, C. Finco, C. Pailles, T. Lepert, J. Parétias, and D. Mouralis, "Évolution holocène paléo-environnementale de la vallée du Commerce," in Quaternaire (Q14) - Tous à l'Ouest, Rennes, France, Feb. 2024. <hal-04548944>.


C. Laag, Y. Guyodo, F. Lagroix, S. Chapkanski, D. Jordanova, and N. Jordanova, "Tephra identification and discrimination in loess-paleosol sequences integrating rock magnetism and mid-infrared spectrometry experiments," in European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 2023. <10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3262>. <hal-04076200>. PDF
L. Mairaville, D. Mouralis, D. Todisco, S. Chapkanski, C. Paillès, C. Finco, and J. Parétias, "Évolution environnementale dans l’estuaire de la Seine - La vallée de la Bolbec/Commerce au cours de l’Holocène : premiers résultats," in 3ème Colloque de l’APVSM ''Paléontologie et Archéologie en Normandie'', Villers-sur-Mer, France, Oct. 2023. <hal-04367484>.
L. Mairaville, D. Mouralis, D. Todisco, S. Chapkanski, C. Paillès, H. Richard, and J. Parétias, "Géoarchéologie et dynamique côtière en Basse Vallée de Seine : Le cas de la vallée de la Bolbec/Commerce au cours de l’Holocène," in Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues 2023, Dunkerque, France, May. 2023. <hal-04367456>.
S. Chapkanski, J. Majewski, P. Daly, K. Sieh, B. Horton, A. D. Switzer, N. Ismail, E. Meilianda, F. Lavigne, J.-P. Goiran, and D. Darusman, "Deciphering high energy wave-induced sediment deposits using spectroscopic technics," in International Union for Quaternary Research, Roma, Italy, Jul. 2023. <10.13140/RG.2.2.32133.52962>. <hal-04276842>.
L. Mairaville, D. Mouralis, D. Todisco, S. Chapkanski, H. Richard, C. Paillès, and J. Parétias, "Juliobona : pour une géoarchéologie antique - Trajectoire environnementale holocène d’une vallée anthropisée affluente de la basse Seine," in Prospective urbaine InSHS, Marseille, France, Jun. 2023. <hal-04367470>. PDF
L. Mairaville, D. Mouralis, D. Todisco, S. Chapkanski, C. Paillès, and J. Parétias, "Environmental evolution of small tributary valleys in the Lower Seine Valley : the case of Commerce Valley during Holocene," in Young Researcher in Archeometry, Tübingen, France, Oct. 2023. <hal-04367472>.


S. Chapkanski, G. Brocard, F. Lavigne, C. Vittori, E. Meilianda, N. Ismail, D. Darusman, and J.-P. Goiran, "Identification of changes in sediment provenance by mid-infrared spectroscopy and sediment source fingerprinting in two Holocene river deltas: Albegna, Italy, and Aceh, Indonesia.," in Quaternaire 13; Session: Deciphering landscape evolution from different angles: combining geochronology, quantitative geomorphology and modelling approaches, Strasbourg, France, Mar. 2022. <hal-03618264>.
J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, E. Régagnon, G. Brocard, and A. De Graauw, "Fish tanks and past relative sea-level variations in Tyre, Lebanon," in The Roman Fish tanks of the Mediterranean: recent interpretations for the sea level changes during the last 2000 years, Santa Severa, Italy, Sep. 2022. <halshs-03787267>.
C. Laag, F. Lagroix, Y. Guyodo, D. Jordanova, N. Jordanova, D. Ishlyamski, B. Georgieva, S. Saulnier-Copard, S. Chapkanski, O. Moine, and P. Antoine, "Millennial-timescale climate change over the last 800 kyrs evidenced by magnetic, colorimetric and ATR-FTIR data from the Suhia Kladenetz quarry loess-paleosol sequence (Pleven, Bulgaria)," in GeoMinKöln 2022 -- the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG -- The German Mineralogical Society) and the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft -- Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV -- The German Geological Society), Cologne, Germany, Sep. 2022. <hal-04076238>.
C. Vittori, V. Chardon, S. Chapkanski, P. Carbonel, J.-P. Goiran, and L. Schmitt, "How to optimize the study of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) sieve pores: Morphometric indices and automatic detection," in 19th International Symposium on Ostracoda - "Back to life", Lyon, France, Jul. 2022. <hal-03797517>.
C. Vittori, F. Salomon, S. Chapkanski, J.-P. Goiran, I. Mazzini, P. Carbonel, and L. Schmitt, "Reconstructing the temporal trajectory of the Ostia lagoon (Tiber delta, Italy). From natural to anthropogenic drivers and processes," in Q13 Quaternaire, Strasbourg, France, Mar. 2022. <hal-03797515>.


M. Abdulkarim, S. Chapkanski, D. Ertlen, C. Rambeau, L. Schmitt, L. Le Bouteiller, and F. Preusser, "Provenance Determination of Paleochannel Infillings in the Alsatian Upper Rhine Floodplain Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy-Discriminant Analysis," in The EGU General Assembly, On line, Austria, Apr. 2021. <hal-03216369>.
M. Abdulkarim, C. Rambeau, L. Schmitt, F. Salomon, D. Erteln, S. Chapkanski, and F. Preusser, "Holocene Fluvial Dynamics in the Central Alsatian Upper Rhine Alluvial Plain, NE France," in Annual meeting of the German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) 2021, Virtual, Germany, Sep. 2021. <halshs-03400891>.
E. Bukowiecki, J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, J. Cocquyt, M. Silvestri, M. Lo Blundo, and C. Genovese, "Nuovi dati e nuovo approccio sulla geomorfologia di Portus," in Settimo Seminario Ostiense (18-19 ottobre 2021) -- Ostia, Porto e oltre: sguardi incrociati. Ricerche pluridisciplinari sui porti romani, Rome, Italy, Oct. 2021. <halshs-03401091>.
S. Chapkanski, "Utilisation de la SMIR pour le traçage de la provenance des matériaux de construction et des sédiments naturels en contexte archéologique," in Séminaire de recherche du laboratoire Archéorient, Lyon, France, Feb. 2021. <halshs-03189891>.


J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, and W. M. Chan, "The Geographical Context of Ports," in Roman Ports in Time and Space: Reflections upon Issues raised by the PortusLimen Project, Rome, Italy, Jan. 2019. <halshs-03189886>.
J.-P. Goiran, S. Chapkanski, and S. Colin, "Transformations géomorphologiques des villes côtières ou des paysages urbains : les cas d’Alexandrie, de Kition et de Tyr," in Comment comprendre les transformations des villes : Approches méthodologiques et études de cas, Lyon, France, May. 2019. <halshs-02178345>.
J.-P. Goiran, W. M. Chan, and S. Chapkanski, "The Geographical Context of Ports," in Roman Ports in Time and Space: Reflections upon Issues raised by the PortusLimen Project, Rome, Italy, Jan. 2019. <halshs-02425027>.
S. Kay, E. Pomar, S. Keay, K. Strutt, S. Chapkanski, and J.-P. Goiran, "Integrating geophysical and geoarchaeological surveys for the reconstruction of a Roman Port infrastructure: the Claudian Harbour at Portus," in New global perspectives on archaeological prospection, Sligo, Ireland, Aug. 2019. <halshs-03189896>.
S. Keay, S. Kay, K. Strutt, S. Chapkanski, C. Rosa, and L. Gambaro, "Contributions to our understanding of Ports as Infrastructure," in Roman Ports in Time and Space: Reflections upon issues by the PortusLimen Project, Rome, Italy, Jan. 2019. <halshs-03189885>.
C. Rambeau, L. Schmitt, S. Chapkanski, J. Houssier, D. Ertlen, and N. Schneider, "Fluvial dynamics in the Upper Rhine Graben (NE France) for the past ca. 12'000 years - Input from palaeochannel dating and provenance studies.," in Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Beauvais, France, Oct. 2019. <halshs-03189882>.
S. Chapkanski, D. Erteln, C. Rambeau, and L. Schmitt, "Mid-Infrared spectroscopic analysis of fine alluvial sediments. Insights for provenance determination of palaeochannel infills," in The International Union for Quaternary Research, INQUA Conference 2019, Dublin, Ireland, Jul. 2019. <halshs-03189889>.


S. Chapkanski, D. Erteln, L. Schmitt, and C. Rambeau, "Détermination de la provenance des sédiments fins par Spectroscopie Moyen Infrarouge (SMIR). Application à l'étude de la paléo-dynamique fluviale holocène ello-rhénane (France, Alsace)," in Colloque Q11 sur le Quaternaire, Orléans, France, Feb. 2018. <halshs-03189888>.
J.-P. Goiran, S. Keay, S. Chapkanski, W. M. Chan, and P. Carbonel, "Geoarchaeological Research in the Northern Claudian Mole at Portus," in Portuslimen: Rome’s Mediterranean Ports (RoMP), Rome, Italy, Jan. 2018. <halshs-01882762>.
S. Keay, R. Sebastiani, S. Kay, K. Strutt, S. Hay, J.-P. Goiran, F. Salomon, and S. Chapkanski, "Nuovi lavori sul Molo di Claudio e i Grandi Magazzini di Settimio Severo a Porto," in Quinto seminario Ostiense, Rome, Italy, Feb. 2018. <halshs-01883884>.


C. Vittori, S. Chapkanski, F. Salomon, J.-P. Goiran, I. Mazzini, P. Carbonel, S. Pannuzi, E. Damien, and L. Schmitt, "Lagoon Connement Stages (LCS) and temporal trajectory of the Ostia Antica lagoon (Tiber Delta, Italy). Geoarchaeological approach using ostracods, Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MiRS) and the Paleoenvironmental Age-Depth Model (PADM)," in Journées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Paris, France, Feb. 2020. <hal-03797488>.
C. Vittori, S. Chapkanski, F. Salomon, P. Carbonel, I. Mazzini, J.-P. Goiran, S. Pannuzi, M. D'orefice, P. Bellotti, D. Fiorenza, E. Damien, and L. Schmitt, "Characterizing Lagoon Connement Stage (LCS) using ostracods and Mid-infrared Spectroscopy (MiRS). Approach to compare the spatio-temporal evolution of Mediterranean lagoons under a temperate climate.," in Q12 Quaternaire, Paris, France, Feb. 2020. <hal-03797503>.